Investor / Shareholder Information


Frenkel Topping Group has been listed on AIM since July 2004.

As at 30th June 2023, Frenkel Topping Group PLC has 127,443,064 allocated, called up and fully paid ordinary shares in issue.

Other than AIM, the company’s securities are not listed on any other exchanges or trading platforms.

Below are the substantial shareholdings as at 30th June 2023

The company has been notified of the following substantial interests in the ordinary share capital of the company as at the above date.

Details of Significant Shareholdings in Frenkel Topping Group PLC:

Harwood Capital 29.82%
IPGL Limited 12.74%
Canaccord Genuity Group Inc 10.31%
Gresham House 6.84%
Octopus 4.66%
Employee Benefit Trust 4.03%
Lion Trust Investment Partners LLP 3.72%
Killik 3.49%
R C Fraser – Director 1.49%
Mark Holt – Director 0.26%
Elaine Cullen-Grant – Director 0.09%

The percentage of shares not in public hands is 69.99%

The Directors  are not aware of any other person who is beneficially interested in 3% or more of the issued share capital.

No restrictions are held over the transfer of shares of the Company.


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Proposed Placing of 32,500,000 new Ordinary Shares at 40 pence per Ordinary Share and Notice of General Meeting

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee comprises of both Non-Executive and Executive Directors. Its prime tasks are to review the scope of the external audit, receive regular reports from the Groups auditors and to review the half yearly and annual accounts before they are presented to the board. The Audit Committee focuses in particular on accounting policies, areas of management judgement and the operation of the finance function. The Committee is responsible for monitoring the controls that are in force to ensure the integrity of the information reported to the shareholders. The Committee meets at least twice a year.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee consisting of Non-Executive Directors who are responsible for making recommendations to the board on the Group’s framework of remuneration, contract terms and other benefits for each member of the board and senior management team. The Committee meets at least once a year.

Website last updated 11th March 2025

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© Frenkel Topping Group Plc

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